Creating the Perfect Home for Your Chubby Frog

The first thing you'll need is an enclosure that provides ample space for your frog to move around. A 10- to 15-gallon terrarium is recommended for one frog, while a 20-gallon tank is ideal for housing two frogs. Be sure to choose a terrarium with a tight, secure lid to prevent any escapes, as Chubby Frogs are great climbers.
The bottom of the enclosure should be layered with a substrate that is at least 2 inches deep for burrowing. Avoid using gravel, wood chips, sand, and vermiculite or perlite, as these can be harmful to your frog. Instead, consider using peat moss/potting soil mixes, eco earth, organic mulch, or coconut fiber.
Furnish the terrarium with potted plants, driftwood, and other items that your frog can use for hiding or climbing. To prevent your frog from uprooting plants while burrowing, consider keeping live plants planted in pots rather than directly in the substrate.
Temperature is important for your Chubby Frog. Aim for a temperature range of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, with a daytime temperature of around 80 degrees F. Use a heat lamp or under-tank heater to maintain the temperature, and be sure to monitor it regularly. At night, the temperature should not fall below 70 degrees F.
Humidity is also important for your frog's health and well-being. A few times per week, mist the inside of the tank with water to maintain the proper humidity level. Be sure to use chlorine-free water to prevent any harm to your frog.
In conclusion, creating the perfect home for your Chubby Frog requires attention to detail and a little bit of effort. By providing ample space, a suitable substrate, proper temperature and humidity, and plenty of hiding spots and climbing opportunities, you can give your pet a comfortable and healthy living space.